
The best-selling and most used inflatables at events.



Goal arches

It is the most representative example that inflatable structures are of great help in the logistics of events.

Carrying out a marathon or other sporting event requires safety, speed and ease of assembly.


It is a simple inflatable, quick to assemble and with an excellent relation between inflated volume and weight.

It stands out very well due to its height, above the heads of the audience. It is also used as a reference or meeting point.


Its shape comes from the well-known hot air balloons.

They were transformed for advertising use, due to having a large surface to insert advertising. They are a classic in advertising inflatables.

Inflatable tents

Inflatable tents are an imposing communication object, used in outdoor events, commercial events or fairs, they are made to attract attention and offer a clear and visible message.



A multidirectional cover, a design that allows directing visitors to a single point as well as letting the tent do justice to its 360º.


The most frequent uses for this type of tent range from events and itinerant promotions, to their use as emergency tents, passing through points of merchandising or information.


The feature that stands out the most in this tent is that it has 4 facades that can be completely decorated with advertising and that in turn can be used as an access door to its interior.


It is an inflatable tent designed to be a landmark for spaces where fluid visual communication between interior and exterior is required and which invites flow between both areas.


As always, it responds to the usual assumptions required by events: easy assembly, original and easily customizable design.


Large inflatable tents are more sophisticated and more architecturally absorbed. It is a typology of inflatable tents that allows it to adapt naturally to the client's formal marketing needs.

Tailor made inflatables​

There are many possibilities that inflatables offer us.


And much more...


When making a replica, you must pay attention to all the details, so that it looks like the original. By making an inflatable that is unique and yours alone, you will be able to stand out even more in your actions.

For art and architecture, it's the possibility of using a product that can transmit a high number of sensations, obtain wonderful shapes and simplified installation processes.

For the industry, they are seen as the solution to streamline work and protection methods.

Inflatable Gifts​ 

Promote your brand with inflatables, we do small and large quantities.

From the simple beach ball or mattress or, your product in reduced size.


Tree of Light

Árvore de luz, a poesia de uma árvore leve como o ar e tão mágica
como a luz.
Versátil e funcional, é ideal tanto para uso público e comercial quanto para
privado: uma festa na esplanada, um aperitivo na esplanada
de um bar, uma feira.
É transportada num saco do tamanho do vaso que a suporta,
monta-se e desmonta-se em poucos minutos.
Mais do que um objeto portátil é uma forma de paisagem nômada da atmosfera icônica e onírica que evoca ao seu redor.
A parte superior opalina, puro elemento decorativo que é, pode transformar-se num formidável meio expressivo e comunicativo personalizável, pois está preparado para ser impresso em alta resolução.
Como uma folha de papel em branco, "Árvore de luz" se abre para a criatividade.
Disponível para venda com o preço desde 3.700 euros + iva.


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